Our Enterprise Partnership is launched
Today we are delighted that have hosted two visitors from the Institution of Engineering and Technology to complete a process which we began a month ago. Sarah Larkham, the Regional Development Manager for the IET visited us on 17th July and as part of her visit all of our engineering team completed application forms to join the Institution. This morning we met Matt Barber who is the IETÂ Partnership Account Manager and who has formally handed over our membership certificate and we also caught up with Alexa Morgan who is the Regional Account Manager for our region. This is an important step in the growth of our company as we are an engineering based company which distinguishes us from many of our competitors whose focus is on sales and marketing. The value of being an Enterprise Partner in the IET is that it enables us to make connections with other engineers through the institution, and also with IET Academic Partners which includes all of the Universities in our area.
Being the end of the week we are also in the process of completing a campus wide digital signage installation at Bexhill VIth Form College and a significant sound and video installation for St Stephens Church Canonbury in North London.