Continuous Professional Development
Once every three months we all sit down as a team and discuss our own business practices, provide one another with on the job training and listen to suppliers that we have a strong relationship with. This week have benefited from the latest information provided by Sennheiser and Extron, two of the companies we work closely with. On top of this we have had a presentation by Peter Roe on the subject of aerial technology and Ben Cottingham on our responsibility under the Construction (design and management) Regulations 2015 or CDM. We also spent time hearing about how Ashdown Audio Visual has grown over the last four years and how best to serve the needs of our clients moving forward. This was the first quarterly session which included John Bidwell who joined the company at the beginning of the month. He has just completed his Extron AV Associate Certification Program which is a course that most of our engineers and even some of our administrative staff have passed.